Byzantine Constans II. 641-668 AD Eight Siliqua or 30 Nummi


Byzantine Constans II. 641-668 AD Eight Siliqua or 30 Nummi
See below for coin details, description and metrics.

A poem about this coin’s beauty:
“Constans on a coin, Letters RM, curved M shown.Thirty nummi worth.”

In Latin:
“Constans in moneta, Litteris RM et curvatis M.Nummus triginta.“

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Ruler: Byzantine, Constans II Period: 641 to 668
  • Denomination:
  • Grade: F
  • Exergue/Mint:
  • Material:
  • Weight (g):
  • Diameter (mm): 8
  • Obverse: Unknown glyphs, Various parallel and vertical bars similar to runic script..
  • Reverse: Letters RM, with curved M. Central cross.
  • The term Siliqua in ancient Rome referred to a unit measure of weight. Nowadays, the ancient siliqua is used to mean a small silver coin minted in the Roman Empire around the 4th century AD. The coin was originally worth 1/24th of a gold solidus.

Additional information

Dimensions 0.8 × 0.8 × 0.1 cm